My wife, my brood, and myself are going to the New Start Restaurant in Seoul Sunday. It is a vegetarian buffet, we have been there before, and it is pretty dang good. IT costs about 12,000 won per person. There is a Seoul veggie club meeting from 12pm-2pm, and that is why we are going.
Directions: From Seoulleung station (line 2 & Bundang line), take exit 2, walk straight a block to the light. Turn left on Seonneung-ro dong 53 gil (선릉로 동53길). It’s about half a block down on the right side. The building is recessed from the street; you’ll see the “New Start Restaurant 2F” sign. It’s on the second floor.New Start's phone: 02/565-4324 or 011-294-4324.
If any of my fan want to come meet us, well don't count on it. We are notorious for changing our minds at the last minute. Usually because my wife hates to go anywhere if its less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit outside. And my kids hate to go anywhere, if they have to walk more than 50 feet or so.
It has been historically difficult to go anywhere with three very moody, unhappy campers, and like Asmith's wife, mine likes to have me at home so she can keep her beady eyes on me so even though weather and walking don't bother me, I seldom go anywhere without them.
To sum up, we are going to the New Start Restaurant on Sunday. Or not. It depends on the temperature, the moods of my children, weather the moon is waxing or waning, the tides, the time of the month, which planets are in line or just a roll of the dice.
So we will see you there. Or not.
ROK on.
5 Signs Your Eating Habits Are Too Restrictive
8 years ago
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