I am on my two week vacation. Since my wife is desk warming, and we are trying to save money, I am staying at home with the kids. We really wanted to go to Thailand, and every time we step outside, we still want to go. That's why I am trying to step outside as little as possible.
We are saving my wife's entire paycheck each month, and hopefully by the end of the year we will have at least 32,000,000 won saved up with refunded deposits, bonuses and the last month's pay. Why 32 million? As long as the value of the Won to the NZ dollar stay the same, that is how much we need to get visas to go to school in New Zealand.
My wife and I decided that we should get teaching certificates. Then we can get paid more to teach Englishee here in Korea, or get paid but-loads more to do it in Hong Kong or Dubai. That way we can save even more cash, and either follow our dream of opening a restaurant, or just save up enough to retire.
We decided on New Zealand, because everyone seems to like it, its costs about the same as Graduate school in the US, I get a $12,000 dollar scholarship to go to school anywhere (one of the benefits of being one 16th Alaska native). I wanted to got to Australia, but unlike NZ, you have to pay $8000 a year for each kid to go to public school. Plus they have these:
My wife saw this video, and decided that New Zealand was the place for us.
5 Signs Your Eating Habits Are Too Restrictive
8 years ago
Oh my god, I watched it even though I'm totally terrified of spiders... I'm moving to Australia in September... or at least I was until a minute ago. Fuck that shit. Fuck that fucking shitty shit. Fuck.
ReplyDeleteIt was just a little one. Back in Oregon we left our shoes outside on our porch. I always put them on without thinking about it. One day I decided to tap one shoe to see if any rocks or anything were in it before I put it on. A black widow the size of a large gum ball rolled out. I checked my shoes every time after that.